
Welcome! Liberty Women's Resources is a blog that aims to provide up to date and relevant information to women. It is targeted to women who are either currently homeless or have experienced homelessness in greater New Haven. To this end, events and services are New Haven-based.

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Thursday, May 31, 2012


super better starts with resilience.

Resilience means getting stronger in the face of a challenge.

What does it mean to get SuperBetter?

Everything in this game is designed to help you get stronger, by building up your personal resilience.
Resilience is the ability to stay motivated, optimistic and determined even in the face of a tough challenge.

When you’re resilient…

  • Your body is better able to withstand stress and heal itself. (That’s PHYSICAL resilience.)
  • You have the mental focus and determination you need to be successful. (That’s MENTAL resilience.)
  • You’re able to activate positive emotions when you need them most. (That’s EMOTIONAL resilience.)
  • You get strength from your friends and family. (That’s SOCIAL resilience.)
So why are we so focused on increasing your personal resilience? It’s all based on scientific research. Study after study shows that resilience is the single most important personal skill you can develop -- if you want to be happier, healthier and more successful in whatever you do.
So what are you waiting for? Go get SuperBetter!


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